#mapparoma is a project born in February 2016 to raise public awareness about the socio-economic inequalities of Rome and to provide a toolkit for measuring and analyzing the links that exist between the different dimensions of human development: education, health, social and economic conditions, environment and urban quality.
The project aims to create accessible knowledge on the characteristics and the dynamics of transformation of the large and complex territory of Rome by providing the greatest possible spatial detail. The issues addressed and the methodologies used allow for a synchronic and diachronic analysis of the indicators and their comparison with other Italian and European metropolitan cities.
The principal contributions of the Site #mapparoma are the Maps, which are published periodically in form of articles illustrating different aspects of the socio-spatial inequalities. Maps, whose time span concerns mainly in the last twenty years, are classified into different thematic categories: Archeology; Culture; Demography; Digital infrastructure; Economy; Education; Elections; Environment; Foreigners; Gender; Health; Housing; Human-development; Income; Inequalities; Politics; Services and functions; Social exclusion; Tourism; Transportation, to facilitate searching within the Site. The data used in each Map are open access. Maps are often published in collaboration with highly specialized scholars in specific thematic areas.
In addition to the Maps, the Site #mapparoma offers other related resources such as books, online and newspaper articles, essays, reports, public presentations involving #mapparoma and its authors. The Site also hosts #mapparomaLab, a space dedicated to the works of students addressing the problems of Rome during their academic career.
Editors: Keti Lelo, Salvatore Monni, Federico Tomassi
#mapparoma content is subject to the terms and conditions of the “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)”