The VILMOUV project (french acronym for « Villes en mouvement ») analyses how mobilities reshape urban space in Mediterranean cities in a crisis context. The Mediterranean has faced several multilayered crisis in recent years (economic turmoil of 2008-9, arab revolutions, covid 19 pandemic…) that recompose mobilities and deeply reshape urban spaces.

The Project focuses on 10 cities in a comparative perspective : Turin, Sfax, Tel Aviv, Naples, Athens, Catania, Tunis, Valetta, Tangier, and Beiruth.

Vilmouv explores different kinds of mobilities at various scales, with a focus on international mobilities (international migrations, tourism and lifestyle mobilities, student circulations, merchant circuits…). The project shows how the unequal mobility regimes that overlap in Mediterranean cities, produce privileged-disadvantaged mobilities and legitimate-illegitimate uses of urban space.

The trilingual Vilmouv website (FR, EN, IT) publishes short ethnographic papers (texts, photos, maps and videos) drawn from fieldworks in the 10 cities of the project, with both entries by city and by issue. The website will be gradually completed as the 5 year project progresses (2022-2026).